
Additional Services


Company Logo Design/Corporate Identity

Susie Henkel has been designing company logos for 25 years and believes your brand image is the foundation of your business. Conveying not only what you do, but also your corporate “personality,” is the hallmark of our design approach. From the NY Yankees to the Texas hot sauce company down the street, we bring a polished style and a keen creative eye to each unique project.

company logo


Corporate Communications

Whether getting the message out to your team or externally to your customers, clear and targeted communications are more important than ever. We have over 15 years of experience creating successful business comms – SharePoint, electronic presentations, or traditional print media – we’ve got you covered.

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Digital Marketing

Schoolhouse creates and deploys inviting and effective digital campaigns of all kinds including email campaigns, blogs, newsletters and online advertising.  Whether you are looking to increase your sales on current customers or attract new customers to your products and services, we can design and execute a campaign that will meet your goals. View our Digital Marketing Portfolio.



Bringing a product to market? Ready for a modern remake of an existing package? How your product looks drastically affects how it performs. From paper to plastic to tin, we have created unique and functional solutions for a variety of products ranging from personal care to food packaging.


Non-Profit Sector

Schoolhouse Communications has had the great honor of working with many local and regional non-profits. We are qualified to address the unique needs faced by these organizations. We not only provide strategy and messaging but can also craft fundraising invitations, social media campaigns, event promos, on-site displays and signage. We’ve even been known to man a booth or two!

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